Project | 01
Project | 01 Big Blue Bug Solutions
Working as the Marketing Manager for Newport Creamery, I worked out a cross-promotion with Big Blue Bug Solutions in which the Big Blue Bug (Nibbles Woodaway) would feature an 8ft. tall Awful Awful cup in front of it for 4 weeks. It was a promotion that was so successful that it was done twice during the course of my tenure. It was a pure trade deal, featuring a specialty Big Blue Bug Awful Awful and content in the Awful Awful Fun book.
Project | 02
Project | 02 #ifoundgoldie
A month-long social media promotion for Newport Creamery. Sourced a Goldie The Cow (official mascot) stuffed animal and took photos of Goldie in front of places all throughout Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. Customers guessed, through social media channels the whereabouts of Goldie. The customer that guessed all of the correct locations that Goldie was in received Awful Awfuls for a year.
Project | 03
Project | 03 Wine & Cheese Website
Stand alone Italian restaurant had no website, no social media and no content. Created everything from scratch. I was responsible for all food photography, food styling, web design and content.